Schedule an Appointment
Specialty Clinic
Ear, Nose & Throat
Outpatient Surgical Center
You may send a non-urgent message to our team. Expect a response in 2-3 business days. For immediate response, please call the respective office at the number listed above.
For Emergencies, call 911.
Plessen accepts most major insurance including Medicare. Walk-Ins and Uninsured are always welcome. Plessen Healthcare turns no patient away regardless of insurance status and offers some of the lowest self-pay rates on the island.

Plessen Healthcare Location
Plessen Speciality Clinic
Plessen Medical & Surgical Center
Plessen ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat)
3004 Orange Grove
Christiansted, VI, 00820-4288
Mailing Address:
Plessen Healthcare, LLC
3004 Estate Orange Grv Ste 2
Christiansted, VI, 00820-4288
Plessen Healthcare Orange Grove Medical Campus
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Did you know you can pay your post-care balance online using your CareCredit credit card? Financing options available. Learn More.